Massage for pain

Do you put off getting a massage? You think that because nothing actually hurts, you don’t need to worry about it? Many people think the same way and then end up at the massage clinic with a painful back or an injury.

Why wait until there’s something wrong before you take action? Massage can be part of your preventative therapy. A way to stop aches and pains from developing into anything more serious.

Keep On Keeping On…

If you, like most of us, have to work for a living, looking after your back and your musculoskeletal system will save you and your employer a lot of stress and money in the future. Back pain is the largest single cause of disability in the UK.  Lower back pain alone accounts for 11% of the total disability of the UK population.

Why risk it when a study that was carried out in 2011 proved that having regular lower back massages helped to relieve the pain before it got to the stage where it needed medication or taking time off from work?

Stress-Busting Massage

Another cause of time off work is stress and/or anxiety.  You’ll be pleased to hear that a regular massage session can help you beat the build-up of stress and keep you calmer for longer. It’s well known that many conditions are either brought on or made worse by stress.  Booking time out for regular massage therapy helps to lower your body’s cortisol levels. It will also  increase happy hormones serotonin and dopamine. It really puts you in a better mood.  It’s also thought that because a deep tissue helps to get your lymph fluid moving, this type of massage can help boost your immunity. This means less coughs, colds and illnesses, which is all good.

Beat the Pain of Inactivity

The average person sits still for eight or nine hours every single day. If your job means that you have no choice but to sit at a wheel or desk, it will pull your shoulders forward and cause them to become rounded. This has the effect of weakening your upper and lower back muscles. This is why you’ll be feeling that pain in your upper body.

If you can manage to get up and about regularly to do some exercise, and team this with a regular massage, your posture will thank you for it. This should reduce any pain you feel from sitting still for so long during working hours.

Have we convinced you to make a massage part of your regular routine? Of course, it’s not all about preventing illness or relieving pain. Having a massage is a deliciously comforting and beneficial therapy in itself. Many people book their regular massage therapy sessions just because they know they will spring off the massage couch with a smile on their face, feeling amazing.

Ribble Therapy helps YOU to move and feel better by making all treatments individual to you. If you would like to discuss how massage therapy can help you feel better contact Nikki on 07801 580694 or email .

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